- Hosting
- Security setup and monitoring
- SPAM security setup and monitoring – deletion of SPAM comments as needed
- Monthly backup using a premium cloning plugin
- Updates to the WordPress content management system, Genesis framework, premium child theme, and plugins as needed
- Up to 30 minutes work to add/update client-provided content
- Google Analytics configuration (includes WordPress dashboard widget)
- Requires one-year contract
- $25/month, billed monthly with the first payment due the 10th of the month after your site launches. Ten percent discount for pre-payment for 6 months in advance ($135/billed every 6 months). Twenty percent discount for pre-payment for 12 months in advance ($240/annually).
- Note: This hosting/maintenance package is available ONLY to customers who have purchased a website from Book Marketing Graphics. If you already have a website and would like information about our hosting/maintenance services, please contact us to request information.
When you click on one of the links below, you will be redirected automatically to PayPal. Simply log in to your account (or create a free PayPal account if you don’t already have one) and pay the amount selected.
Important: Please do not choose a maintenance and hosting payment plan until after your website is done. You will be instructed when to come to this page and begin your hosting/maintenance subscription. Note – the billing is done through our parent company, DLF Digital Services LLC, so that’s the name you’ll see on the PayPal screen.
Thank you!