Video book trailers are a great way to promote an upcoming book, a new release, or promote a book from your back list. Movie production companies begin “teasing” potential viewers with trailers months before a movie hits the theaters, so even if your book isn’t yet published, a book trailer can benefit your promotion strategy.
Book Marketing Graphics is celebrating a Super Summer Special on video fiction book trailers. The normal price for an Enhanced Video Package is $225. For a limited time, you can get that same package for just $175! And, if you need a couple of videos, you can get the double package of two Enhanced Video Package book trailers for just $300. That’s a savings of $150!
Please note – this pricing is for FICTION ONLY. Also, please note that the special pricing ends July 21, 2019, so you’ll need to hurry to take advantage of this super summer special.
How it works:
To purchase one of these packages, please make your selection from the two choices and click “Add to Cart.” When you are ready to complete your purchase, click “Checkout.” You will then be redirected to a screen where you’ll need to fill out your name and email address. You’ll also need to agree to our Terms of Service, so please check the box. Once you do that, click on the button labeled “Purchase.” When you click that button, you’ll be redirected to log into PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal account, click on the link (at the bottom) that says “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” and you’ll be prompted to enter your card information. Your payment will be processed by my parent company, DLF Digital Services LLC, which is a verified PayPal business.
Once your payment has been processed, you’ll be redirected to download the instruction sheet with what I need to produce your video book trailer. If for any reason something weird happens in Internetland and you do not receive this informaiton sheet, PLEASE send me a support ticket at, and I’ll get that to you ASAP.
Trust me, it sounds more complicated than it is. The entire checkout process will take less time to complete than it did for you to read these instructions. 🙂
(You can view a few samples of book trailers we’ve made by clicking HERE.)